TZ Limited Placement – Wholesale Opportunity
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*Offer is at the same price as the institutional placement
This Offer Is Now Closed
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Last traded price*
Offer Price
Reach Wholesale 708 investors have the opportunity to participate in the placement. *The placement offer price represents a discount of 28.6% per share to the Company’s last traded price of $0.175 on 4th November 2021.
TZ’s technology, especially its software, has always had immense potential as a scalable, profitable platform for a digital age. It’s what attracted me to the business when I first served on the board in 2018-19 and what drew me back more recently. With new internal systems in place, and a renewed strength in the balance sheet, I intend to grow TZ into the potential it has always had and grow this business to $100 million and beyond in the next few years. The world as we know it has changed, and TZ has changed with it and for it – to help businesses around the world offer clients and staff unrivalled experiences in physical space, digitally.
Mario Vecchio – CEO
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