The Insider: Meet the CEOs Webcast Replay

We were joined by the CEOs of ASX-listed businesses, who gave valuable insight to their industries and companies future prospects.

  • (ASX: PTX) Prescient Therapeutics Limited – Steven Yatomi-Clarke
  • (ASX: EBR) EBR Systems Inc – John McCutheon

Recorded on 23rd August 2023 at 12pm (AEST).

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Steven Yatomi-Clarke

CEO and Managing Director - Prescient Therapeutics Limited (ASX: PTX)

Prescient Therapeutics is a clinical-stage oncology company that develops personalised therapies to treat cancer within the global US$280 billion (2021) oncology industry. Front and centre of the company’s aspirations is commercialising their targeted therapies, primarily PTX-100. The complete eradication of cancer in two patients, together with longer-than-expected durability of responses, has PTX-100 shaping up to be a game changer for T-cell lymphoma (TCL), an area of oncology with a sizable and under-served target market. There have been no serious adverse events related to PTX-100, and FDA allowance of the Phase 2 trial as a registration study would be a major milestone for the company, opening up a rapid pathway to commercialisation. Prescient also has two cell therapy platforms working to solve key problems in CAR-T.  Prescient’s diversified pipeline of later stage and emerging assets were developed by and with world-class collaborators including Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, the Moffitt Cancer Centre and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

John McCutcheon

President & CEO - EBR Systems Inc (ASX: EBR)

EBR Systems provides safe, cost-effective and reliable therapies using wireless cardiac stimulation. The company’s WiSE technology is the world’s only wireless, endocardial (inside the heart) pacing system in clinical use for stimulating the heart’s left ventricle (LV). The WiSE technology platform provides EBR with a potential addressable market of US$2.1 billion. The company’s technology is protected by over 97 issued patents globally and currently has no direct competitors. In November 2022, WiSE technology was featured at the 15th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) Scientific Session in Singapore, highlighting the technology’s position at the forefront of innovation in the cardiac rhythm management landscape. In June 2023, EBR Systems announced an AUD $35m capital raising, to ensure that EBR will be fully funded for its pathway to United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval,commercial launch and sales growth through to H22025.

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