The Insider: Meet the CEOs Webcast Replay

We were joined by the CEOs of ASX-listed businesses, who gave valuable insight to their industries and companies future prospects.

  • (ASX: AME) Alto Metals Ltd – Matthew Bowles
  • (ASX: CCR) Credit Clear Limited- Jason Serafino

Recorded on 20th September 2023 at 12pm (AEST).

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Matthew Bowles

Managing Director - Alto Metals Ltd (ASX: AME)

Alto Metals’ flagship Sandstone Gold Project hosts a deposit of 23.5Mt @ 1.4g/t Au for 1.05Moz of contained gold, and has produced over 1.3Moz since the 1890’s – but has had very limited drilling below 100m depth. This is something that Alto has an arsenal of drill rigs in overdrive working to change, and 60,000m of drilling in 2021 plus another ~50,000m in 2022 saw their resource grow from 635koz to over 1Moz. Alto’s strategic land position of over 740km2 is surrounded by multi-million ounce deposits and producing mines. Lion Selection Group (ASX: LSX) recently cornerstoned Alto’s $5 million placement with a $1 million investment, and the company has a 2024 drilling campaign planned that is going to bring the project close to production.

Jason Serafino

Chief Product & Technology Officer - Credit Clear Limited (ASX: CCR)

Credit Clear owns a communications platform that has attracted investments from some of Australia’s leading fund managers – from Alex Waislitz’s Thorney Investment Group, to Ellerston Capital. The company has grown its revenue at a 183% CAGR between FY18 and FY22 with the acquisition of two businesses and has experienced growth across all parts of the business. Credit Clear won ‘Best Use of AI’ at the 7th and 8th Annual Australian Fintech Awards and was also an ‘Insurtech Start-up of the Year’ finalist at the 2022 Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance awards. The company provides services to some of Australia’s largest companies, including TPG Telecom, Suncorp, Water Corporation and more.

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