Copper Bay Investment Opportunity Request Offer Docs

Copper Bay Investment Opportunity

Wholesale Only*

Request Offer Docs

What is a 708 investor?

By clicking submit, I agree to the terms of the Reach Markets Financial Services Guide that includes the Privacy Statement. Reach Markets provide Corporate Advisory Services to MDF Global Limited, including Copper Bay Resources Limited, and will receive fees for its role in managing this offer based on the uptake by investors.

*Wholesale 708 Sophisticated Investors are individuals or entities who generally qualify under Sections 708(8) and s761G(7) of the Corporations Act based on the gross income and/or net assets test verified by a qualified accountant.

  • A gross income of $250,000 or more per annum in each of the previous two financial years; or
  • Net assets of at least $2.5 million; and
  • A verified Qualified Accountant’s certificate given no more than two (2) years ago confirming the Sophisticated Investor status.  Please refer to the Corporations Act:  Specifically Section 708(08) and Section s761G(7)

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Please click here to read our full general advice warning.

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