The unlikely story of medical technology disrupting the wine industry

The unlikely story of medical technology disrupting the wine industry

Date of Report: 12 October 2021

Price A$0.755

52 Week Range: A$0.270 - 0.970

Market Cap: A$135.12m

Sector: Health Care Equipment & Services

Every second week we invite a leading fund manager to present at The Insider: Meet the Fund Manager. Craig Scheef, from Technical Investing, selected Universal Biosensors as one of his three favourite stocks as the company looks to disrupt two industries with its state-of-the-art technology.

July 30th, 2021

August 18th, 2021

The Insider: Meet the Fund Manager sessions are a great way to hear directly from leading fund managers. They share their approach to investing, favourite companies and their market view for the year ahead.

The Insider: Meet the CEO sessions feature a selection of company leaders who provide a succinct overview of big things their companies are doing. 

What makes a wine good? It all comes down to chemistry. To ensure a consistently good drop, wineries invest time and money into measuring the key flavour indicators like glucose, acid and sulphur dioxide levels. This could soon change thanks to game-changing handheld technology from Universal Biosensors INC. (ASX: UBI).

Universal Biosensors is first-and-foremost a medtech company. It has developed portable devices that enable patients to measure their blood for various biomarkers at home. It is a proven technology that has been used in more than 10 billion diagnostic tests, including through medical giant Johnson & Johnson.

“The technology is world-class, it has world-class partners, but it really didn’t have the commercial acumen to take full advantage of the technology that it had in place,” Craig Scheef from Technical Investors said.

When CEO John Sharman joined the company in March, this all changed. UBI started to look for new opportunities to take the technology and move it into other areas, including the wine space.

By dropping wine onto the test strips, winemakers can measure the most important chemical indicators of wine in just 60 seconds. Most winemakers currently take up to six hours to run those same tests.

“If you come to the market with a handheld device sub $2,000 where you can test wine at the point of manufacture, it could be a game-changer for the wine industry,” Mr Scheef said.

UBI has done just that with its product Sentia. Although it was only launched earlier this year, it’s already generating around $800, 000 in revenue. By the end of the year, the platform will be able to test for two new markers in wine. They forecast that tThis could grow UBI’s market size to a huge 100 million strips a year.

“We’ve spoken to various winemakers who have used the product and said ‘We can’t see why every winery wouldn’t eventually have this product’. It’s such a big cost-saving, both in time and money, for them,” Mr Scheef said.

It doesn’t stop at wine for UBI. They believe their partnership with Lubris Biofarmer could be a game-changer for the company’s future development.

Click here to view more videos from Mr Craig Scheef’s Meet the Fund Manager session, or click here to view the full The Insider: Meet the CEOs.

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