The Insider: Meet the Fund Manager Webcast Replay

This week we were joined by Greg Tolpigin, Head of Proprietary Trading at Gleneagle Securities, who discusses his approach to investing and the top industries he is keeping a close eye on this year. 

Recorded on 26th February 2021 at 12pm (AEDT).

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Greg Tolpigin

Head of Proprietary Trading - Gleneagle Securities

Gregory Tolpigin’s career spans 25 years in financial markets as a high level strategist and Proprietary Trader for major investment banks such as Citigroup, Bankers Trust and Macquarie Bank. He has appeared on CNBC, the Channel 9 Business Sunday program, as a guest columnist for the Australian Financial Review, and a regular author for Personal Investor, Wealth Creator, Shares magazines and Share Cafe.

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