The Insider Webcast Replay

This week we were joined by the CEOs of exciting ASX-listed businesses, who gave valuable insight to their industries and companies future prospects.

  • (ASX: PCK) PainChek Limited – Philip Daffas, CEO
  • (ASX: CAN) Cann Group Limited –  Peter Crock, CEO
  • (ASX: NIC) Nickel Mines – Justin Werner, Managing Director

Recorded on 16 December 2020 at 12pm (AEDT).

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Philip Daffas

Chief Executive Officer - PainChek Limited (ASX: PCK)

PainChek (ASX: PCK) is an Australian based company that develops pain assessment technologies. Its smartphone based medical device uses artificial intelligence to assess and score pain levels in real time and update medical records in the cloud. PainChek records a short video of the person’s face and analyses the images that indicate pain and records them. The caregiver then uses PainChek to observe and record pain, and calculate an overall pain score and stores the result. This allows the caregiver to monitor the effect of medication and treatment over time.

PainChek is being rolled out globally in two phases: first PainChek for adults who are unable to effectively verbalise their pain, such as people with dementia; second PainChek for children who have not yet learnt to speak.

Peter Crock

Chief Executive Officer - Cann Group Limited (ASX: CAN)

Cann Group (ASX: CAN) is building a world-class business focused on breeding, cultivating, manufacturing and supplying medicinal cannabis for sale and use within Australia and approved overseas export markets. The company has established facilities in Melbourne, and Cann’s expertise and partnerships support the rapid growth of globally competitive Australian research and production capabilities. Cann intends to be a leading developer and supplier of cannabis, cannabis resin and medicinal cannabis products. These extracts will be provided to researchers and prescribing clinicians to investigate, understand and optimise the therapeutic effectiveness of medicinal cannabis for specific medical conditions.

Justin Werner

Managing Director - Nickel Mines (ASX: NIC)

Nickel Mines (ASX: NIC) is a significant player in the global nickel industry having established a financial, operational and strategic partnership with China’s Tsingshan group, the world’s largest stainless steel producer. 

Nickel Mines now holds 80% economic interests in the Hengjaya Nickel and Ranger Nickel projects, both of which operate 2 line Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (‘RKEF’) plants producing NPI within the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (‘IMIP’). Nickel Mines also holds an 80% economic interest in the Hengjaya Mineralindo Nickel Mine (Hengjaya Mine), a large tonnage, high grade saprolite deposit located in the Morowali Regency of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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