Innovative farming practices for increasingly drought-stricken land
Ongoing drought and the US-China trade war is projected to significantly hit the Australian agriculture industry. According to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), agriculture is likely to hit a four-year low this year.
How WeWork collapsed under false valuation
When WeWork launched, it was the antidote to the supposed poison of the open plan working era. WeWork is a coworking space made fancy. You know the kind: various concoctions running on tap, Instagrammable interior design, and the feeling that your favourite celebrity could walk through the door at any minute.
Sun, sand and investment opportunities
Nestled within the Lesser Sunda Island chain, Lombok is set to become Indonesia’s next holiday hotspot.
Battling city congestion: Uber and Smart Cities
Whilst Uber is continuing to lose money quarter after quarter, it may be holding a ‘get out of jail free’ card very close to its chest.
70% of citizens in the Philippines are unbanked but this company has a solution
The earliest version of the internet was born in the late 1960s but wouldn’t take off for many years – then it exploded. It may have just been a curiosity at first, but nothing has arguably been more disruptive and life-changing in the course of the past twenty years. Naturally, it rode a wave of other rapidly developing technologies, such as the mobile phone, then the smartphone, personal computers and tablets.
How to make money in a bull market
For many investors, trading in a bull market can be seen as an ideal position, as there is the opportunity to buy stocks early and then sell them at a profit when they peak. However, trading in a bull market is not always as straightforward as it may sound and there is no one-size-fits-all strategy.
Can a world of ride-sharing exist without Uber?
There are certain companies whose mere existence has so much of an effect on the world itself, that their name becomes a substitute for common parlance. Wherein once we would have looked something up, or ‘searched on Encarta 95’, we simply ‘Google It’. When looking for a quick method of note-taking, one may reach for a ‘Post It’ rather than anything less specific. And now, especially in the last decade, the preferred method of transport for many people has simply been to ‘Uber’’.
How to make money when a stock or the market falls
A good options trading system involves strategies that will work in bullish as well as bearish and sideways markets. Trading in bearish markets can seem counterintuitive to many traders, and while it’s definitely always a good idea to thoroughly assess the risks, there are ways you can make money in a bear market.
Australia’s Silver City to glow once more?
Known either as the Silver City or the Oasis of the West, Broken Hill is the historic epicentre of Australian mining, with a rich history stretching back into the 1840s. The modern town was founded in 1883 by a man who thought he’d discovered tin, but had actually struck upon a silver and lead orebody.
The importance of high-grade iron amidst recent price discounts and changing appetites
With recent market corrections, there is a growing concern about big miners maintaining high-grade Iron Ore for key steelmaking commodity. This has led major players such as BHP, Rio Tinto, and FMG to provide price discounts amid a softening outlook on the country’s biggest export.
A massive Megatrend that’s only just beginning to reach into every part of our lives and industries.
Is it all just technology hype? We are hearing a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the reality is that it’s finally begun to deliver on the promises, some made more than 60 years ago.
Big potential and little attention: a property investor’s alternative to the Australian market?
When we think of investment, there is one element that will always spring to mind: risk. Markets are volatile and unpredictable, and it can be difficult to make the most informed decisions when tips and recommendations often contradict each other.
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